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Street Art

Probably the coolest way to discover a city,
is a city walk from mural to mural!

The large-scale murals, stickers, paste ups and graffiti reveal a lot about a city, its inhabitants and its big themes. For example, Street-Art in La Paz is all about the sea. Street Art in Kiev , on the other hand, is a bit more political. Berlin has long been considered a mecca for street art fans. Street art walks through Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, on Bülowstraße or a visit to the former listening station at Teufelsberg or the legendary RAW site are at the top of the wish list for many friends of the alternative art scene.

Street Art Map – Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Astronaut/Cosmonaut von Victor Ash

Street Art Guide & Map Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

You want to know where the best murals are in Berlin, who painted them and what they stand for? Let's start with the Street Art Map for Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
Das RAW-Gelände - Urban Art und Lost Place Romantik

RAW Area - Urban Art and Lost Place Romantics

You want to visit the hotspots for urban art and street art in Berlin? Then you should not miss the RAW area.
Haus Schwarzenberg – Street Art Hotspot in Berlin

House Schwarzenberg - Street Art Highlight in Berlin

Haus Schwarzenberg at Hackescher Markt is the smallest and probably most popular street art highlight in Berlin. What is there to see here?
Street Art Spaziergang Bülowstraße - Kunst für alle!

Street Art Walk Bülowstraße - Art for Everyone!

Fancy a street art walk around Bülowstraße? Street Art Hotspot in Berlin - Photo Gallery & Route & Museum
Art Park Tegel - die Graffiti-Hochhäuser von Berlin

Art Park Tegel - the Graffiti Skyscrapers of Berlin

Where are the biggest murals in Berlin? In the "Art Park Tegel". The eight huge works of art are a "must see" for all street art fans.
Abhörstation Teufelsberg – Street Art Mekka & Lost Place in Berlin

Listening Station Teufelsberg - Street Art Mecca & Lost Place in Berlin

You love street art and lost places? Then you should visit the former listening station at Teufelsberg in Berlin. Impressions, tips and info.
La Paz in Mexiko - 5 Highlights an der Baja California

La Paz in Mexico - 5 Highlights at the Baja California

Highlights and things to see that you can't miss and lots of helpful travel tips for La Paz, on Baja California in Mexico.
Street-Art in La Paz, Mexiko - Murals und Skulpturen vom Feinsten. "Cambiando" von Hellcat

Street-Art in La Paz, Mexico - Murals and Sculptures

Discover street art and sculptures on the Malecón in La Paz, Mexico. Colorful murals, sea creatures, mermaids, Jacques Yves Cousteau and many more.
Street Art in Kiew

Street Art in Kiev

Creative for peace with over 160 huge murals. Walking tour on your own to the most beautiful street art works in Kiev.