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Birdwatching brings happiness!

Researchers have examined what bird diversity has to do with our happiness. They found that ten percent more bird species increases life satisfaction as does a comparable increase in salary. Cool, right? 

And birdwatching is, thankfully, a lot easier than negotiating a raise with your boss.

Here are my tips for excursions into the world of birds:
guided tours

Westmännerinseln – Wanderung zu den Puffins am windigsten Ort in Island

Vestmannaeyjar - Hike to the windiest Place in Iceland

Spectacular coastline, lava landscape and puffins - worthwhile hike to Cape Stórhöfði in Vestmannaeyjar, the windiest place in whole Iceland.
St. Kilda – Reisetipps für die einsamste Insel Britanniens

St. Kilda - Travel Tips for the loneliest Island in Britain

Information and tips for your visit to St. Kilda - Bird paradise and largest colony of gannets in the world - Ruins at Village Bay
Mit Traktor und Heuwagen zu den Puffins von Ingólfshöfði

With Tractor and Hay Cart to the Puffins of Ingólfshöfði

Birdwatching in Iceland in a different way - with tractor and hay cart we go over the endless black beach to the puffins and skuas at Cape Ingólfshöfði
Mývatn - Wandern und Birdwatching an Islands Mückensee

Mývatn - Hiking and Birdwatching at Iceland's Mosquito Lake

Mývatn is not only known for its billions of mosquitoes, but also for its rich bird life. Many amateur ornithologists come here during the summer months to...
Pinguine - Tipps für tolle Pinguinfotos

Penguins - Tips for great Penguin Photos

You want to bring home great penguin photos? Then read my best tips on equipment, perspectives, camera settings and more.
Brown Bluff - Pinguin Party am Tafelvulkan

Brown Bluff - Penguins at the Table Volcano

Adelie penguins as far as the eye can see. Moving animal experiences and close-ups of penguins at the Brown Bluff table volcano in Antarctica.
Port Lockroy - südlichstes Museum und Poststation der Welt

Port Lockroy - the southernmost Museum and Postal Station in the World

Port Lockroy is the southernmost museum and postal station in the world. More about Port Lockroy and how to get one of the most beautiful souvenirs from Antarctica.
Highlights im Beagle-Kanal - Pinguine, Seelöwen und mehr

Highlights in the Beagle Channel - Walk with Penguins, Sea Lions and More

Experience the highlights of Patagonia on a boat trip through the Beagle Channel: Penguins, sea lions, sea birds, lighthouse at the end of the world
Die Königspinguine von Feuerland

The King Penguins of Tierra del Fuego

Experience the only colony of King Penguins of Tierra del Fuego in Parque Pingüino Rey, Chile. When can you watch penguin chicks?