Open the eyes, see the world, see it differently.
It's about traveling and experiencing nature,
the broadening of horizons and hearts.

It all started with a summer in the Azores. I lived in a tent for three months, went snorkeling every day, and saw a whale for the first time. During my internship at a whale-watching agency, I learned how much joy it is to show other people what you love.

That is the reason why I started Fernweh-Motive.
With my articles and my pictures, I take you along and want to show you what moves me and what is important to me. That is mainly nature with its diverse landscapes, wildlife, outdoor tours, and photography.

You will discover many exciting places and topics on my pages. Besides a lot of travel inspirations for near and far you will also read many practical tips for your own tour planning and nature photography.

My blog is the result of over 13 years of travel and tour experience and, in particular, my training as a trekking guide and wilderness guide at the Guide Academy Europe. Responsible planning and implementation are important to me on every tour, which also includes treating nature, other people, and cultures with respect.

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What's new?

Kraniche in Hokkaido beobachten: Locations und Fototipps
Crane Observation in Hokkaido: Locations and Photo Tips
Wildtiere und Landschaften im Winter auf der Notsuke-Halbinsel
Wildlife and Landscapes in Winter on the Notsuke Peninsula
Varanger Fjord: witches, street art, wildlife on the National Scenic Route
Husky Guide Training – Two Months with Hetta Huskies in Finland
Madeira fotografieren – die besten Fotolocations für Naturfreunde
Photographing Madeira – the best Photo Locations for Nature Lovers
Selbst gebaute Messer im Messerbaukurs – Handwerkkurs
Knife-Making Course – Sami style Craftsmanship at Trekk'n Guide
Wilderness Guide Training in Sweden with the Guide Academy Europe

Because it matters.

"On the road with backpack and camera" is the motto with which I put Fernweh-Motive online in October 2019. My articles should give you ideas and tips for travel planning and nature photography. The motto remains - but something else is added: nature conservation. No matter if on the trail or at home in an urban forest. In my new category Nature Conservation, you will find articles about nature-friendly outdoor trip planning and realization, as well as suggestions and instructions to follow and participate in. The first few articles are already online, including:

Where is the Journey going to?

You are looking for new travel ideas? Then you are right here.
Every country is worth a trip, because every country shows us a bit more of the world and especially of ourselves.

Weltkarte Placeholder

Do you know Arwak?

"Arwak" - this is the name of one of the horses that pulls the wagon of the sun goddess Sol along the arch of heaven.
What could be more suitable for a motorhome? You want to know more about the Iveco 40/10 WM?