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Tag: Tierbeobachtung

Unter dem Schlagwort Tierbeobachtung findest du alle meine Artikel, Berichte, Foto- und Reisetipps, die mit Tieren und Tierfotografie zu tun haben. Denn das Suchen, Finden, Beobachten und Fotografieren von Tieren gehört für mich zu den schönsten Beschäftigungen auf Reisen überhaupt. Es sind für mich stets einmalige Erlebnisse, die jeder Reise noch eine ganz besondere Note verleihen.

Puffins beobachten Westmännerinseln - Wann & Wo?

Loved ones of the Westman Islands – This is how you see Puffins

Tips for watching puffins in the Westman Islands. The largest puffin colony in the world lives here, with 1.1 million breeding pairs.

Schönower Heide – "Wildlife Hiking Trail" across former Military Training Area

Information and tips for hiking and observing grazing animals on the former military training area Schönower Heide north of Berlin.
Storchendorf Linum - Störche, Kraniche und andere Vögel beobachten

Storks, Cranes & Co - Birdwatching around the "Stork Village" Linum

Excursion tips for the "Stork Village" Linum and birdwatching in the surrounding pond country. When can you see storks and cranes near Linum?
Tsavo Nationalpark - das Reich der Roten Elefanten

Tsavo National Park - the Realm of the Red Elephants

Tsavo National Park is the largest national park in Kenya and is famous for its "red elephants" and "man-eaters".
Amboseli Nationalpark - Safari mit Elefantengarantie

Amboseli National Park - Safari with Elephant Guarantee

Elephant guarantee and the best view of Kilimanjaro. What is there to see on a safari in Amboseli National Park?
St. Kilda – Reisetipps für die einsamste Insel Britanniens

St. Kilda - Travel Tips for the loneliest Island in Britain

Information and tips for your visit to St. Kilda - Bird paradise and largest colony of gannets in the world - Ruins at Village Bay
Wildlife in Schottland - die Rentiere der Cairngorms

Wildlife in Scotland - the Reindeer of the Cairngorms

Scotland. Where are there reindeer in Scotland? And how do you get to see them? Here you can find out everything about visiting the...
Döberitzer Heide – Ausflug zum alten Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin

Döberitzer Heide - Trip to the old Military Training Area near Berlin

Ausflug ins Grüne? Wanderung im NSG Döberitzer Heide – dem ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin? Hier gibt es Tipps für eure Wandertour.
La Paz in Mexiko - 5 Highlights an der Baja California

La Paz in Mexico - 5 Highlights at the Baja California

Highlights and things to see that you can't miss and lots of helpful travel tips for La Paz, on Baja California in Mexico.
Tauchen mit Seelöwen bei La Paz - ein tierisches Vergnügen!

Diving with the Sea Lions from La Paz - A Belly Rub for a Sea Lion

An animal pleasure and close encounters - diving with the playful sea lions of Los Islotes near La Paz, Mexico.
Schnorcheln mit Walhaien vor La Paz, Mexiko

Snorkeling with Whale Sharks off La Paz, Mexico

Snorkeling with whale sharks is a highlight in La Paz that you should not miss. My best tips you can find out here.
Shark Diving mit Bullenhaien in Cabo Pulmo, Mexiko - Tipps fürs Haitauchen

Shark Diving with Bull Sharks in Cabo Pulmo, Mexico & Tips for Shark Diving

Shark Diving with Bull Sharks in Cabo Pulmo Marine National Park in Baja California, Mexico - Read tips for shark diving here - What to look out for?