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Hoxa Head Battery - Lost Place auf den Orkneys

Hoxa Head Battery - Lost Place on the Orkneys

Lost Places on the Orkneys in Scotland - loop along the coast to the ruins of the coastal artillery battery Hoxa Head.
Toter Hund und Poltergeist – Greyfriars Friedhof in Edinburgh

Dead Dog and Poltergeist - Greyfriars Graveyard in Edinburgh

Greyfriars Kirkyard Cemetery in Edinburgh is famous for its eerily beautiful graves, a dead dog, a poltergeist and mortsafes.
St. Kilda – Reisetipps für die einsamste Insel Britanniens

St. Kilda - Travel Tips for the loneliest Island in Britain

Information and tips for your visit to St. Kilda - Bird paradise and largest colony of gannets in the world - Ruins at Village Bay
Steinmännchen als Glücksbringer – Laufskálavarða auf Island

Cairns as Lucky Charms - Laufskálavarða on Iceland

The cairns of Laufskálavarða in the south of Iceland bring good luck for the journey. What's with the lucky charms?
Die 10 besten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der Halbinsel Reykjanes

The 10 best Sights on the Reykjanes Peninsula

Swirling mud pots, bird rocks, lighthouses - what are the top sights on Reykjanes in the west of Iceland?
Berliner Mauerweg – 15 Highlights rund um West-Berlin

Berlin Wall Trail - 15 Highlights around West Berlin

Was sind die Highlights am Berliner Mauerweg? Welche Etappen lohnen sich am meisten? Wo gibt es noch Wachtürme und sehenswerte Mauerreste?
Spurensuche – Wachtürme und Reste der Berliner Mauer

Traces - Watchtowers and remains of the Berlin Wall

Where are the former watchtowers of the Berlin Wall still located? And where are there still sections of the former border fortifications worth seeing?
Döberitzer Heide – Ausflug zum alten Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin

Döberitzer Heide - Trip to the old Military Training Area near Berlin

Ausflug ins Grüne? Wanderung im NSG Döberitzer Heide – dem ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin? Hier gibt es Tipps für eure Wandertour.
Lost Places in Berlin und Brandenburg

Lost Places - abandoned Places in Berlin and Brandenburg

Spannende Lost Places in Berlin und Brandenburg. Erfahrt, ob und wie ihr die verlassenen Orte besichtigen könnt - von außen und manche auch von innen.
Abhörstation Teufelsberg – Street Art Mekka & Lost Place in Berlin

Listening Station Teufelsberg - Street Art Mecca & Lost Place in Berlin

You love street art and lost places? Then you should visit the former listening station at Teufelsberg in Berlin. Impressions, tips and info.
Sehenswertes London - 10 Highlights & Fototipps für deinen Kurztrip

Sights of London - 13 Highlights for your Short Trip

London is worth seeing and perfect for a short trip - here I tell you my 13 highlights including photo tips for the metropolis on the Thames.
Santa Catalina Island – Reisebericht, Tipps und Highlights

Santa Catalina Island - Travelogue, Tips and Highlights

Highlights of Santa Catalina Island in California - trip report, tips and helpful information for your stay.