Travel Topics

Open one' s eyes, see the world, see it differently. My blog is about traveling and experiencing nature, the widening of horizons and hearts. I will tell you about my road trips, trekking tours, wildlife experiences and dives. But there are also some discoveries in cities, especially Street Art and Lost Places I will tell you about. So enjoy reading!

Roadtrips and Camping

City Discoveries



Wildlife Experiences

Tauchen mit Seelöwen bei La Paz - ein tierisches Vergnügen!

Diving with the Sea Lions from La Paz - A Belly Rub for a Sea Lion

An animal pleasure and close encounters - diving with the playful sea lions of Los Islotes near La Paz, Mexico.
Schnorcheln mit Walhaien vor La Paz, Mexiko

Snorkeling with Whale Sharks off La Paz, Mexico

Snorkeling with whale sharks is a highlight in La Paz that you should not miss. My best tips you can find out here.
Street-Art in La Paz, Mexiko - Murals und Skulpturen vom Feinsten. "Cambiando" von Hellcat

Street-Art in La Paz, Mexico - Murals and Sculptures

Discover street art and sculptures on the Malecón in La Paz, Mexico. Colorful murals, sea creatures, mermaids, Jacques Yves Cousteau and many more.
Shark Diving mit Bullenhaien in Cabo Pulmo, Mexiko - Tipps fürs Haitauchen

Shark Diving with Bull Sharks in Cabo Pulmo, Mexico & Tips for Shark Diving

Shark Diving with Bull Sharks in Cabo Pulmo Marine National Park in Baja California, Mexico - Read tips for shark diving here - What to look out for?
Relikte aus der Sowjetzeit - Tipps für eure Tour im Baltikum

Relicts from the Soviet Era - Tips for your Tour in the Baltic States

In the Baltic States you can still find many relics from the Soviet era - here you can read my tips for your own discoveries
Besuch des Bradbury Building

A Visit to the Bradbury Building in Los Angeles

A visit to the Bradbury Building is a highlight and an absolute must on your tour of Downtown LA. Discover one of the most popular photo motifs in LA.
Schnorcheln in La Jolla – die besten Tipps

Snorkeling in La Jolla - the best Tips

Read here the best tips for snorkeling in La Jolla - sea caves, sea lions, leopard sharks, kelp forest and garibaldi fish. Tips for photos, equipment.
Fototipps für eure Unterwasser- Bilder von den La Jolla Seelöwen

Photo Tips for your underwater Pictures of the La Jolla Sea Lions

Read my photo tips for your underwater pictures of La Jolla sea lions here. Snorkeling with sea lions is a unique experience.
Eisenhüttenstadt sozialistische Planstadt

Eisenhüttenstadt - Time Travel to a Socialist Planned City

Pictures and impressions from Eisenhüttenstadt - a photographic journey through time to a socialist planned city and showcase city of the GDR
Besteigung des Half Dome im Yosemite Nationalpark

Climbing the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

Tips and info for climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park on the wire ropes - packing list, drinking water, weather, clothing, safety, permit.
Pacific Marine Mammal Center

Visit of the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach

Experience seals while visiting the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, California. Learn more about endangerment, rescue and care of our marine mammals.
Seelöwen von La Jolla - Tipps fürs Beobachten und Schnorcheln

Sea Lions of La Jolla - Tips for Watching and Snorkeling

Sea lions of La Jolla - tips for watching and snorkeling. The best spots, beach accesses, La Jolla Cove. On your own or guided tour?