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Lost Places

Photographing against oblivion.

Often it is a lack of economic viability, high monument protection requirements or an already hopeless state of decay. Some buildings with a long history and sometimes of very special beauty become abandoned and often fall into oblivion.

When I visit Lost Places, I want to capture these places and save them from being forgotten. I want to show their beauty, which is sometimes only revealed at second glance.



Relikte aus der Sowjetzeit - Tipps für eure Tour im Baltikum

Relikte aus der Sowjetzeit – Tipps für eure Tour im...

In the Baltic States you can still find many relics from the Soviet era - here you can read my tips for your own discoveries
Bodie - eine Geisterstadt aus Goldgräberzeit

Bodie - Visit of a Ghost Town from Gold Digging Time

Time travel to the Wild West. A visit to Bodie - once a gold rush settlement, today a ghost town offers great photo opportunities of a California lost place.
Das vergessene Königreich Guge - ein Besuch der Ruinen von Tsaparang

The forgotten Kingdom of Guge - a visit to the Ruins of Tsaparang

Learn everything you need to know for your visit to the ruins of Tsaparang in the former kingdom of Guge in western Tibet. What is there to see?
Das vergessene Königreich - Guge in Westtibet

Western Tibet - the forgotten kingdom of Guge

The forgotten kingdom of Guge in Western Tibet - Tsaparang and Tholing. Discover monasteries, important murals, ruins and mountain panoramas in Tibet.
Matrjoschkas im Kindergarten Kopachi

Chernobyl - Photography against oblivion

Photographing in the Chernobyl exclusion zone - against forgetting the biggest disaster ever made by man, its heroes and its victims.
Deception Island – Lost Place in der Antarktis

Deception Island - Lost Place in Antarctica

A lost place in the middle of Antarctica - in Whaler's Bay on Deception Island you will find the remains of an old whale factory and a research station.