
On this page you will find an overview of all my articles, reports, photo and travel tips about my hiking-tours. Here you will find tips for big challenges like climbing the Half Dome or a 3-day trekking around Mount Kailash up to 5,630 meters. Come with me at sunrise on the Great Wall of China or on your own to the inland ice in Greenland. You will also find short, leisurely hikes, such as a tour through the grove of giant sequoias Mariposa Groove.

Múlagljúfur Canyon - Geheimtipp im Südosten Islands

Múlagljúfur Canyon - Tip for the Southeast of Iceland

Spectacular gorge in the southeast of Iceland: the Múlagljúfur Canyon. A "must see" with steep cliffs, wide views and thunderous waterfalls.
Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde - Islands Vulkan Thrihnukagigur von Innen

Journey to the Center of the Earth - Iceland's Volcano Thrihnukagigur from inside

What does a volcano look like from the inside? Join me on a "journey to the centre of the earth" - to the inside of the volcano Thrihnukagigur in the southwest of Iceland.
Berliner Mauerweg – 15 Highlights rund um West-Berlin

Berlin Wall Trail - 15 Highlights around West Berlin

Was sind die Highlights am Berliner Mauerweg? Welche Etappen lohnen sich am meisten? Wo gibt es noch Wachtürme und sehenswerte Mauerreste?
Döberitzer Heide – Ausflug zum alten Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin

Döberitzer Heide - Trip to the old Military Training Area near Berlin

Ausflug ins Grüne? Wanderung im NSG Döberitzer Heide – dem ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatz bei Berlin? Hier gibt es Tipps für eure Wandertour.
Besteigung des Half Dome im Yosemite Nationalpark

Climbing the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

Tips and info for climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park on the wire ropes - packing list, drinking water, weather, clothing, safety, permit.
Giant Sequoias im Mariposa Grove - Yosemite Nationalpark

Giant Sequoias im Mariposa Grove - Yosemite Nationalpark

Yosemite National Park - Hike through a grove of Giant Sequoias at Mariposa Grove. Routes and Highlights.
Trekking um den Mount Kailash

Trekking around the Mount Kailash

Trekking around Kailash, circumambulation of the holy mountain - Kora to the Saga-Dawa festival, 3-day mountain tour with crossing of the Drölma-La pass (5630m).
Chinesische Mauer Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang

Great Wall of China - Sunrise and Sunset

Chinesische Mauer von ihrer schönsten Seite - Sonnenaufgang bei der selfguided Hiking-Tour Jiankou nach Mutianyu, Sonnenuntergang in Simatai.
Hiking Tour vom Eqi-Gletscher zum grönländischen Inlandeis auf eigene Faust

Hiking tour from the Eqi Glacier to the Greenland Ice Sheet on your own

In the footsteps of polar explorers - Hiking Tour from the Eqi Glacier to the Greenland Ice Sheet Info, tips and route for a three-day trekking tour.