
On this page you will find an overview of all my articles, reports, photo and travel tips for trips to Iceland. It's about a road trip with my old Land Rover Series II and Tipi tent to Iceland and about ice-cold polar snorkeling in the Silfa fissure. Four years later I traveled to Iceland again, this time to the south. It was my first trip to the Covid-19 lockdown and meant a lot to me after a 6-month without travelling.

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Mit Land Rover Serie II nach Island - ABC für einen "Offroad"-Trip

With Land Rover Series II to Iceland - ABC for an "Offroad"-Trip

Offroad trip with a Land Rover Series II (BJ 1959) and tent to Iceland in the highlands. Askja, Herðubreið, Kjölur and more. Tips for your road trip.
Diamond-Circle - Island Highlight

The Diamond Circle - Islands Highlights in the North

Diamond-Circle - Iceland's highlights in the north: Discover Lake Myvatn, waterfalls, lava landscapes, geothermal fields on a round trip. Tips and ideas
Silfra-Spalte - Schnorcheln zwischen zwei Kontinentalplatten in Island

Silfra - Snorkeling between two Continental Plates

The water's freezing. But despite the temperatures between 2 and 4°C the Silfra crevice impresses every snorkeler. Not only with the...