
Chernobyl - Photography against oblivion

Matrjoschkas im Kindergarten Kopachi
Chernobyl - Photography against oblivion

Ukraine. It's just before Easter. Cut-out paper Easter bunnies lie on the ground. Another is sitting on the windowsill. Colours can still be seen under the dust. Yellow and brown. In addition red little mouths, which work like doll mouths with too much lipstick. There are other animals. A cut out brown bear waits beside the hare on the windowsill and a mural shows a drinking tiger family. In other rooms school exercise books are scattered and posters with Cyrillic characters hang on the wall. In two other rooms children's beds are lined up. Only the metal frames and individual cushions are left. A round hedgehog and a doll keep company on one bed. These rooms were used for teaching, playing, laughing and sleeping. 33 years ago. Since then the rooms have been abandoned and no child has entered them. Every year several thousand tourists visit the exclusion zone for various reasons. I visit Chernobyl to take photographs and to capture something with my pictures, to make people aware of something and to save it from oblivion.

Street Art in Kiev

Street Art in Kiew
Street Art in Kiev

Ukraine. Street Art in Kiev is huge, colourful and bold. In addition, it distorts grey walls and brings variety between the tenement blocks from the Soviet era. Some murals content themselves with the wall surface of one floor, others extend over 17 floors. But all of them set a sign for peace and are part of a deeply political process. Come with me on a walk through the city and discover the greatest street art works in Kiev.