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Tag: auf dem Wasser

Martvili Canyon Georgien

Martvili Canyon - Excursion to the most beautiful Canyon in Georgia

Day trip from Kutaisi or stopover on the way to Svanetia: walk and boat trip in Martvili Canyon in Georgia.
Kajaktour bei den Orcas der San Juan Islands

Kayak Tour at the Orcas of the San Juan Islands

Bald Eagle - Orcas - Sea Dog - Bioluminescence. Travelogue and tips for a kayak tour at the orcas of the San Juan Islands.

Highlights of a Boat Trip around the Westman Island Heimaey

Lava landscape, bird cliffs, sea caves and more. Why you shouldn't miss a boat trip around the Westman Island of Heimaey in Iceland.
Islands Kronjuwelen: Welche ist die schönste Gletscherlagune?

Iceland's Crown Jewels: Which is the most beautiful Glacier Lagoon?

Jökulsárlón, Fjallsárlón and Heinabergslón glacier lagoons in Iceland. Which is the most beautiful? Where are there boat and kayak tours?
St. Kilda – Reisetipps für die einsamste Insel Britanniens

St. Kilda - Travel Tips for the loneliest Island in Britain

Information and tips for your visit to St. Kilda - Bird paradise and largest colony of gannets in the world - Ruins at Village Bay
Kajaktour auf der Gletscherlagune Heinabergslón in Island

Kayak Tour on the Heinabergslón Glacier Lagoon in Iceland

A kayak tour between icebergs on the Heinabergslón ice lagoon in Iceland is a nature experience off the beaten track. You can find all information here.
La Paz in Mexiko - 5 Highlights an der Baja California

La Paz in Mexico - 5 Highlights at the Baja California

Highlights and things to see that you can't miss and lots of helpful travel tips for La Paz, on Baja California in Mexico.
Kajaktour durch Schwedens Schären - die besten Tipps für eure Tourplanung

Kayak tour through Sweden's Archipelago - the best Tips for your tour Planning

Lest hier die besten Tipps für eure Kajaktour durch die Schären in Schweden: Tipps zur Ausrüstung, Routenplanung und mehr.
Highlights im Beagle-Kanal - Pinguine, Seelöwen und mehr

Highlights in the Beagle Channel - Walk with Penguins, Sea Lions and More

Experience the highlights of Patagonia on a boat trip through the Beagle Channel: Penguins, sea lions, sea birds, lighthouse at the end of the world
Roadtrip Albanien - Mit der Fähre über den Komanstausee

Roadtrip Albania - with the Ferry across the Komani Lake

A ferry ride across Lake Coman is a highlight of any trip to Albania. Here you can read all the information and other tips for your road trip.